L.I.V.E. Well Program

Are you sick and tired of not feeling well?

Fed up with side effects and the cost of your medications?

Want to take control of your own health?



We connect you with exercise methods that are natural and fun for you, helping you stay healthy while enjoying yourself. Photo Credit: Tomasz Wozniak on Unsplash

If you want to improve your well being in a way that lasts, you’re in the right place. L.I.V.E. stands for Life Is Vitally Energized. YOU deserve that life, and you can begin now with simple steps.

Our L.I.V.E. Well Program is right for you if you:

  • Suffer from chronic diseases and want to try safe approaches and alternatives to medications;
  • Have risk factors like family history of diabetes, or high blood pressure, or carrying too much weight or not physically active;
  • Need more information and/or mentorship on how to get you, your family, or your team to be healthier;
  • Want to feel vibrant, alive, and energetic, wherever you are in your wellness journey and however you might have failed before;
  • Are well and want to keep it that way despite facing temptations like easy access to junk foods, or the changes we face as we age. 


Services we provide:

  • Wellness Retreats
    • Experience holistic wellness through nutrition, lifestyle changes, and relaxation 
    • Individual and group formats
  • Coaching
    • One-to-one, personalized coaching
    • Small group coaching
  • Cooking Demos and Classes
    • Learn skills, meld flavors with nutrition, and have fun
    • Individuals, Couples, and Group Sessions
  • Mentoring
    • Schools
    • Universities
    • Young professional organizations
    • Young doctors and nurses
  • Public Speaking
    • Medical symposia and conferences
    • Communities
    • Schools
    • Universities
    • Volunteer groups


We help you L.I.V.E well with our coaching services and cooking demos, based on recipes from our books, like this from scratch gluten-free roti with local greens, beans, and purple sweet potato.

Why L.I.V.E. Well?

Healthcare is becoming more human-centered, and integrated – we are at the forefront of this holistic trend with our combined expertise in clinical, behavioral, culinary, meditative, and biomimetic approaches to wellness. Our lifestyle medicine system combines nurture and nature with science-based tools to put you in the driver’s seat of your wellness.

Our L.I.V.E. Well program offers expert guidelines and tools that consist of nutrition, exercise, and self-care tools and guidance instead of drugs. It’s an empowering program that puts you solidly in charge of your body, mind, and destiny.

We tailor recommendations for your flourishing based on our integrated toolkits. Using our method, you can start now and eventually phase out your medications with your doctor’s guidance. Everything is possible, even the reversal of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, if we put in the right effort, working with the body and mind in harmonious ways.

Contact us now!


Also see our Conscious Wellness program for entire organizations and communities, and our Wellness Philosophy.

For more details and pricing, let’s talk.