
Alchemus Prime provides an integrated and science-based approach to management consulting, including wellness and leadership program development, change management, and innovation. Our forte is helping our clients achieve their goals through personal and professional transformation that also helps address challenges with climate change, wellness, water and food security, and social justice while learning from indigenous knowledge and biomimicry principles. 

Our Vision:

We harmonize business with nature through elevated human wellness and leadership to safeguard the future.

Our Mission:

We facilitate the healing, empowerment, wellness and leadership of leaders using our integrated and novel science-based tools, demonstrating that it is good business to sustain nature.

Using our approach, our clients catalyze optimized solutions for their teams, their organizations, society, and nature. Design thinking, biomimicry, and meditation are becoming increasingly popular in education, business and social innovation (for example see Marilyn’s testimonial for the Universidad Regional Amazónica IKIAM (IKIAM Amazon University, in Quito, Ecuador). Also, behavior-driven programs are gaining momentum in the energy efficiency and wellness arenas. We have combined all four of these bodies of knowledge into one dynamic tailored package with the Alchemus Prime Diamond Model. Our refreshing approach infuses management consulting with science-based tools that are not only effective, but enjoyable. We help our clients better achieve their objectives to create the flourishing future we all desire but often don’t know how to actuaalize.

The Alchemus Prime Diamond Model aims to discover and promote the best of business and nature in one integrated whole so that we can continue to adapt and innovate in a constantly changing world.
The Alchemus Prime Diamond Model aims to enhance management consulting by bringing the best of business and nature into one integrated whole so that we can continue to adapt and innovate in a constantly changing world.