Willing Wellness Program

Wellness is now, or is it?

  • Killing yourself to make a living?
  • Worried about your colleagues’ and friends’ illnesses?
  • Concerned about your family’s health habits?

Lifestyle diseases are destroying our quality of life around the world. For example, 6 out of 10 Americans suffer from a chronic disease like cancer or heart disease, and 4 out of 10 have two chronic diseases. In the South Pacific region, diabetes is a sizable threat, with Fiji reporting 3 amputations per day and leading the world in diabetes-caused deaths. Stress is also a huge threat to our well being. The causes of these chronic diseases are unhealthy diet and exercise habits, along with tobacco and alcohol abuse. 

There’s a better way to live, and even better, thrive. We offer integrated and holistic wellness programs for companies and communities that include building lasting healthy habits for food and beverage intake, exercise, confidence, mindfulness, productivity, and creativity. Our science-based approach is grounded in behavior change methods, meditation techniques, the science of biomimicry (emulating nature), and design thinking processes. We help you achieve and sustain results that improve your bottom line and support your values in tangible ways. 

To learn more, contact us and schedule a free 30-minute consulting call. 


Our Wellness Services

Our offerings are tailored carefully for optimal success, based on our holistic approach. We work flexibly to meet the needs of clients, including scheduling workshop and coaching sessions on weekends and evenings, to accommodate participants’ availability.

Specific examples of services within our wellness portfolio include:

  • Catalyze: A workshop or series of workshops and interviews to assess needs, and meeting with leadership to ascertain and discuss the current opportunities and challenges within an organization or community. Duration: 1-3 months
  • Create: In addition to the above, training of wellness champions and launching, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of a specific wellness initiative. Duration: 4-6 months
  • Command: In addition to both of the above, implementing more wellness initiatives, and building in mechanisms for self-sufficiency in sustaining well being through coaching and training of wellness champions and other leaders. Duration: 12 months or more

To learn more about the background, approach, and strategy we apply, read our Wellness Philosophy.

We support our wellness offerings with tailored long-term coaching for leaders and teams through our Lasting Transformation Program. 

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you, your organization, or your community achieve and maintain conscious wellness.

Wellness is a mind-body-heart-spirit affair, and a conscious practice at work and at home. Photo credits: Danielle Cerulo, Alchemus Prime, You X Ventures.