In late 2018, Marilyn launched Dr. An, a comedic character, through Mornings with Marilyn. She is a spoof of Marilyn, aimed at helping people understand trauma and its associated unhealthy behavior patterns using humor.
After a couple of appearances on Mornings with Marilyn, Dr. An launched her own Facebook page, and appears on Facebook and Instagram with short vignettes from her daily life as an emotional trauma doctor. In these videos, someone has called in with a question, which the good doctor proceeds to answer.
Dr. An got her name, with one “n” because she gives an-swers. She’s not afraid to prescribe solutions, but in order to implement them, you may need Marilyn’s coaching services. In any case, be prepared for a laugh when you encounter this doctor, and do not fib with her, because she is equipped with bullsh*t detection.