Our Books

Marilyn with some of our books, and how joyful we feel about them. Photo credit: Sidhant Bali Maharaj, the Label.

We have written and published over thirty books since November 2015. Our books explore topics within the Alchemus Prime Diamond Model, including behavior change to address gender, trauma, climate change, leadership, and wellness challenges, to promote personal and planetary integrity. We also offer publishing services.

Here we describe our books chronologically: 

The first is a collection of recipes entitled Food of Love; it contains stories of Marilyn’s journey as a cook and baker seeking to combine inspirations from nature, nutrition, and social justice. Her approach is a playful one, encouraging readers to experiment with her recipes and invent their own. This book is part of Alchemus Prime’s mission to develop win-win solutions through biomimetic and behavioral approachesThe recipes are organic, plant-based, accessible, fun to make, and adaptable to gluten-free and other preferences. Breakfast, soup, salad, side dishes, main courses, and desserts are included, as well as an herbal tea that Marilyn developed over the last several years to help ease colds and coughs. This work calls upon readers to enjoy and expand their own relationships with food and its source, nature. 

You can order Food of Love here.

Marilyn's collection of recipes tells stories of how she integrates food with play to embrace nature's patterns and health-giving inspirations.
Marilyn’s collection of recipes tells stories of how she integrates food with play to embrace nature’s patterns and health-giving inspirations.

Our second book is a collection of poetry relating to the Alchemus Prime Diamond Model and our commitment to addressing climate change and social justice issues. Entitled One Friend, this book contains perspectives of animal rights activists, and animals abused in factory farms, as well as those threatened with extinction or already extinct due to climate change. 

You can purchase One Friend via Amazon.

One Friend is the first of our poetry books, and portrays the perspectives of animals and activists.
One Friend is the first of our poetry books, and portrays the perspectives of animals and activists.

Earth Champions, our third book, is a collection of poems about authentic leadership as we define it at Alchemus Prime: authentic leaders shed layers of conditioning to find and embody the true self, become one with Mother Nature, overcome obstacles in their path, and practice love for all life through their innovative actions. This book is for all leaders who walk their talk to achieve transformative and life-affirming solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges, including climate change and wellness.  

You can purchase Earth Champions via Amazon.

Alchemus Prime's third book, Earth Champions, is a collection of poems about the true self, oneness with Mother Nature, overcoming obstacles on the path to authentic leadership, and love for all life.
Alchemus Prime’s third book, Earth Champions, is a collection of poems about the true self, oneness with Mother Nature, overcoming obstacles on the path to authentic leadership, and love for all life.

Visionaries, our fourth book, is a collection of poems about two profound mentors in Marilyn’s life who inspire her to be her true self and achieve her goals in life. This book is for anyone who knows what it’s like to be touched by genius, kindness, and limitless love, and for anyone who seeks this kind of priceless mentorship.  

You can purchase Visionaries via Amazon.  

Visionaries is about life-changing mentorship and inspiration to be true to one's self and achieve one's goals and purpose.
Visionaries is about life-changing mentorship and inspiration to be true to one’s self and achieve one’s goals and purpose.

Beyond Blood, our fifth book, is a collection of poems about how relationships evolve in the true self journey. This book is for anyone who feels affirmed by loved ones in their family, and beyond blood relationships, to be authentic and to pursue their dreams.   

You can purchase  Beyond Blood via Amazon.  

Beyond Blood is a book about relationships and how they evolve; some soul connections are deeper than blood and last through dramatic changes on the journey to true self.
Beyond Blood is a book about relationships and how they evolve; some soul connections are deeper than blood and last through dramatic changes on the journey to true self.

Seasons of Life, our sixth book, contains poems about how nature inspires and sustains us. The poems explore the myriad inspirations we receive from nature, and how they make us whole. Anyone who loves nature will enjoy this book.   

You can purchase Seasons of Life via Amazon.

Seasons of Life captures the beauty and healing power of Nature. It's launch honors Alchemus Prime's (a)visionary, Sundarajan.
Seasons of Life captures the beauty and healing power of Nature. It’s launch honors Alchemus Prime’s (a)visionary, Sundarajan.

Our seventh book, Meditation: Inspired Moments, is a collection of poems about the practices and benefits of meditation. These poems will appeal to anyone who is new to meditation, interested in beginning a meditation practice, or an experienced meditator.  

You can purchase Meditation via Amazon.  

Our seventh book explores the profound benefits of meditation through various techniques and in different settings.
Our seventh book explores the profound benefits of meditation through various techniques and in different settings.

Personal and Planetary Wellness: Addressing Climate Change, Health, and Social Justice Challenges, is our eighth book, a collection of short essays describing how to better understand and address the most pressing problems of our time. Each essay is based on scientific research or experience, and includes a reflection that guides the reader into action. This book is for anyone who really cares about making a positive change to address climate change, lifestyle diseases, and social justice.    

Read the Introduction; purchase the book via Amazon.  

A collection of essays on how to help fight climate change, lifestyle diseases, and social injustice.
A collection of essays on how to help fight climate change, lifestyle diseases, and social injustice.

In our ninth book, we return to our whimsical and quirky sense of humor, and our culinary obsessions. Our second recipe book, World of Love, is a visually vibrant journey of adaptive and experimental cooking in a world of fresh, organic, plant-based, and gluten-free foods. Our recipes are easy to make, flavorful, and designed for the beginner as well as the seasoned cook, encouraging a deeper relationship with food. Margaret and Marilyn co-author this book.     

Purchase the book via Amazon

Our sequel to Food of Love is an adventure filled with flavor and wellness. Explore our World of Love.
Our sequel to Food of Love is an adventure filled with flavor and wellness. Explore our World of Love.

Dance, our tenth book, is focused on the benefits of dancing and movement, including inspiration and a sense of unity.  These poems are filled with passion, creative energy, and fun, encouraging the reader to find self-expression through dance.     

Purchase Dance: Poems of Passion, Inspiration, and Oneness, via Amazon

Dance is a collection of poems that describe the inspiration, creativity, and fun that flows from dancing. Dance is also a wonderful way to pursue fitness and wellness.

Our eleventh book is called Awakened Living: Transforming Trauma and Embracing Compassionate Change. It delves into the types of trauma we face in life: abuse, racism, hate, and more, and explores pathways for courageous living. By embracing unity, and accepting life as it is, we become more empowered to create the lives we want.      

Explore Awakened Living via Amazon

Awakened Living
This book explores ways of healing trauma and embracing a life that is secure from the inside.

We continue with our personal stories and undying love for healthy food and fusion cooking with Flavor of Love, our third recipe book, and twelfth in the chronology of our books. Tracing our roots with traditional Fijian recipes, we then break tradition with gluten-free versions of our favorite Indian and Western breads to enjoy with fusion dishes that blend Italian and Asian flavors, and finish with desserts made without refined sugar. Marilyn and Margaret are co-authors, with special guest author Nathaniel Cornelius.

Flavor of Love is available on Amazon.

Our third biomimetic recipe book boasts Fijian recipes, fusion dishes, gluten-free breads, and refined-sugar-free desserts, all packed with flavor.

With our thirteenth book, we delve into the crucial topic of self-love, and how it relates to confidence, self-respect, and overcoming harmful relationship patterns to find true love. This book, The Path to Romantic Success: What You Won’t Learn in School or at Home about Finding True Love, is about Marilyn’s life journey from childhood to now, and how the love of her life appeared after she did the hard work of practicing self-love, and overcoming negative patterns. It is a workbook with guiding questions for reflection, and is accompanied by an online course for those who want to go deeper and release the conditioning that is keeping them from true love. This book is the first of a series of five, as part of our Living and Leading Authentically Framework.

You guessed it, available on Amazon.

Our book on self-love details how to overcome negative patterns and gain confidence and self-respect on the way to finding true love.

The second book in our leadership series, and our fourteenth book overall is about how to release the fear and unhealthy coping patterns that come from abuse and trauma. Entitled, From Abuse to Empowerment: Recognizing and Releasing Behavior Patterns that come from Trauma, this book’s acronym is FATE. We believe our fate is empowerment, and this is possible only when we decide to release trauma and victimhood. This book is difficult to read because it contains real stories from me and others about abuse. Each chapter contains questions for reflection. For anyone who is ready to face their trauma and work on letting it go, this book will serve as a guide. A course will accompany this book, and focus on helping participants actively release their trauma and embrace a creative, purposeful, and empowered life. Watch the video about this book to learn more. 

Check out the book on Amazon.

This book contains 14 real testimonies and case studies about abuse and trauma, and how individuals are overcoming victimhood.

Our fifteenth book and a detour from our leadership series, is about serendipitous encounters with Lyft drivers and carpoolers that left me a better person. A friend asked me to write the book, after I related some of these encounters on my show, Mornings with Marilyn. So, here you have it: Angels Who UpLyft: A Celebration of Diversity, is a collection of life principles from complete strangers in a few fleeting moments of life. 

Check out the book on Amazon.

This book is about how I learned life principles from Lyft drivers and carpoolers in a few minutes at a time.

Our sixteenth book arrived into Marilyn’s mind during meditation. It was unplanned. We executed it in 6 weeks from transcription to publication – such is the force of creative flow and channeling. The book contains 366 nuggets of inspiration from the show, Mornings with Marilyn. Designed to help you reflect, journal, and get closer to your true self, this book is a wonderful gift idea. It is a must-have for anyone who want to understand themselves more fully, shed conditioning and trauma, and live a life of joy, peace, love, and purpose. 

Check out Sculpting Positivity: Daily Inspirations from the show “Mornings with Marilyn” on Amazon.

This book is bursting with enough positivity and gratitude to last a whole year, and covers many topics including justice, beauty, self-love, trauma patterns, death, and relationships.

Our seventeenth book is our fourth cookbook. Plant-based and gluten-free, it focuses on the practice and experimentation that goes into developing a beautifully deep relationship with our food. Powered by daily Heartfulness meditation,  we completed this book in just 3 weeks. Packed with flavor and fun, these 50 recipes encourage you to take charge of and with practice, master your wellness.  

Check out Practice of Love: Recipes for Wellness, on Amazon.

Our fourth cookbook focuses on the practice and process of developing a healthy and fun relationship with our food.

Marilyn’s adventures in India and poems from her experiences of Heartfulness comprise our eighteenth book. This collection includes a paper she presented at the “Elevating Human Consciousness through Meditation for Global Harmony” conference at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore in 2019. Check it out to get a personal perspective on Heartfulness meditation, and what it’s like to be at the world’s largest meditation center. The book is called God is Simple: Reflections and Poems Inspired by Heartfulness Practices. 

Our 18th book is about Heartfulness practices – how love infuses people, places, and purpose!

Our 19th and 20th books are poetry compilations, inspired by the novel coronavirus pandemic, which is showing us what is sorely needed now in the world. We must shift away permanently from the capitalistic, patriarchal, and selfish “normal” and balance our masculine energies with the divine feminine. We must harmonize with Nature to bring humanity into balance with the rest of life. This is the challenge of our times. This twin release consists of Heaven is a New Earth: The Nature of Harmony, and High Priestess: Divine Feminine Rising and both books contain the energy of the future we are now creating. This future flows with compassion and unity.

Our 19th and 20th books share verses about what is needed to co-create harmony and unity on Earth.

The Four Ethics: Navigating Life Authentically, our 21st book, is a concise exploration of four crucial principles for a purposeful and authentic life. Each of the four ethical principles is examined with attention to exceptions and boundaries. An important pocket guide for any true seeker, this book provides a roadmap for how to traverse life’s trickiest situations. 

This book is a concise guide for how to navigate life’s big questions.

Our 22nd book is as a publisher. Awakening the Sacred Order of Divine Poets is a volume of poetry envisioned and actioned by Oz-Moses, an awakening man who is incarcerated physically and trying to liberate himself in every way. Read more about this phenomenal book on our Prolific Publishing page. 

The Awakening cover shows the “eye of God” nebula, and invites the reader to look inward, and awaken.

Our 23rd book continues our Living and Leading Authentically Series, and focuses on authenticity, mindful leadership, and human-centered change management. Co-authored by Marilyn, Margaret, Nicholas and Nathaniel Cornelius, this marks our first book collaboration as a family. The Dimensions of True Self: A Workbook for Living and Leading Authentically is a self-development book that takes you through 37 traits of authentic leadership and how they operate in real life through 7 case studies. Check it out today! 

A concise and accessible guide for how to be your true self and lead well.

Eternity Risen is our 24th book – a powerful sequel to Awakening (Book 22). It continues the journey from trauma to purest love using metaphors and illustrations – culminating in a section devoted to a rebalancing of the divine feminine energy the world desperately needs to heal. Get your copy today and read more about it on our Prolific Publishing page.

Eternity Risen is a journey to the divine feminine, through trauma to purest love. Photo Credit: Marilyn Cornelius

Our 25th book is an autobiography that is also the fourth and final book in our Living and Leading Authentically series. Written by Dr. Margaret Cornelius, it chronicles a journey toward and beyond goals, from a career into a calling, and answers questions about life, love, challenges, uncertainties and integrity. The book offers guidance through self-reflection questions, providing the reader a more intimate guide to knowing themselves. Grab a copy today and find out for yourself: what is life beyond your goals?

Career Manifestation takes you on an adventure beyond goals and into your calling. Photo Credit: Marilyn Cornelius

Namkeen is our 26th book, and our 14th poetry volume. This book was written while away on retreat, and compiled in a few hours, using the profound energy of the full moon. It speaks about the beauty and healing power of Nature, and the pain of racism. Learn more about what happened at that retreat, and why racism must end. Anyone who has ever been treated unfairly needs to read this book.

Namkeen is about the mix of bliss and tears in paradise: racism in Fiji. Photo Credit: Marilyn Cornelius

Our 27th and 28th books are a twin release of our 5th and 6th recipe books: Purpose of Love, and Promise of Love. The former contains playful recipes designed to engage young people and encourage them to eat healthy, while the latter links food to Nature through the seasons, and self-love, which is a foundational practice for all seasons. Get both for yourself and a loved on, and embrace true wellness.

Our fifth and sixth cooks deliver playful and self-loving recipes for all seasons. Photo Credit: Marilyn Cornelius.

Sculpting Positivity II is our 29th release. It contains, like its predecessor, 366 reflections. This book is brief and to the point, inviting you to reflect deeply as a small but potent part of each and every day. With this journaling companion, you can find pathways for deeper mindfulness, reflection, self-love, and balance.

Our 29th book is a wonderful companion for your journey in life – any day, and every day. Photo credit: Sidhant Maharaj.

Our 30th book is about patriarchy and how to overcome it. Saying NO: Prevailing Over Patriarchy, contains poetic pathways that suggest 3 steps for how to smash the patriarchy with love. Toxic masculine energy is evident in our world, and the best way to bring peace to our beautiful planet is to begin within. This book provides a roadmap for how to embrace the inner divine feminine, and bring the self back to balance.

Our 30th book explores 3 steps to overcoming patriarchy within. Photo credit: Marilyn Cornelius

Our second autobiography and fourth publication as a publisher is called A Fair Way: Finding Balance in an Ever-Changing World, by none other than Nathaniel Cornelius. This, our 31st book, captures a life journey of over 7 decades, and the milestones spanning family, technology, and inner peace. Learn from the life lessons in this amazing book, and get to know our family as well!

A beautiful life journey is a practice of contentment: our 31st book is an autobiography. Photo Credit: Margaret Cornelius

Our 32nd book is also our 16th volume of poetry. Life’s Changing Waves: Love, Empowerment, and Loss celebrates love in its many forms: romance, the empowerment that comes from self-love, and the deep love that is grief manifested. Embrace this book as a journey through verses that expose the power of love.

Our 32nd poetry volume is all about love, the most important force in life.

Marilyn wrote a chapter about anger, for an anthology called From Anger to Love, published by the Heartfulness Education Trust. The volume contains tips on how to manage anger, from authors who all teach some form of self-development. Our chapter focuses on anger as a messenger of trauma. You can read more about it here.

From Anger to Love has practical tips from those who work on self-development.

Our next book and 33rd in our list, is an essential quick guide to boundaries called Being S.A.F.E.: A Quick Guide to Empowered Communication and Boundary Setting in the Workplace. It contains an explanation of a framework Marilyn developed: the S.A.F.E. framework, which is a comprehensive guide to understanding and setting boundaries. If you have difficulty saying no, or respecting yourself and your needs, this book is for you.

Our 33rd book is about the importance of boundaries in the workplace.

The next three books are a triple release of cookbooks, spanning meals, snacks, sides, soups, tea, desserts and our signature TreatBox treats. Together, they continue our explorations into vegan, gluten-free, low oil, low salt fare. Our treats are always vegan, gluten-free, and free of any refined sugar. Try our recipes and tell us what you think!

  • Treasures of Love – luscious fusion meals, decadent desserts, and herbal teas.
  • Triumph of Love – Breakfast, snacks, soups, sides, and more.
  • Treats of Love – traditional and fusion treats, including bliss balls, slices and squares for special occasions.

Our 37th book is a reflection on feminism, based on Marilyn’s work with feminists in Fiji, the Pacific region and around the world. This book, The Soul of Feminism: Reflections, is for anyone who is wanting to dig deeper into the positive and negative aspects of feminism, and how they are related to trauma.

This is a collection of essays on feminism, trauma and internalized patriarchy.

Our 38th book and 17th volume of poetry contains verses about overcoming trauma and the role of Nature in our healing. This book, entitled Infinite Power: Overcoming Trauma with Nature’s Energy, is an invitation to explore ourselves and open up to letting go of what no longer serves us, so we can come home to our authentic selves.

Our 38th book is filled with poetry about overcoming trauma.

Something unprecedented happened that led to our 39th book: it channeled through while Marilyn was attending a conference. During the third day of the Bioneers Conference, on March 30, 2024, this book arrived and brought with it a deep healing for Marilyn. Read all about it in Belonging: A Mini Memoir on Displaced Indigeneity and Allegiance to Ma Earth.

This mini memoir takes a look at indigeneity and alternatives for belonging to Ma Earth.

A fun travel book that includes fashion, vegan and gluten-free food, sightseeing, and poetry is what emerged from Marilyn’s travels to the UK in April 2024. With Sidhant Maharaj’s incredible talent for styling, hair, makeup and fashion design, and their combined love of vegan food and Nature, these adventures had to be captured in a book so others could share in the happy energy. Check it out for yourself: Vegan Vogue Vistas: Stylish Eats, Sightseeing Feats, and Poetic Treats.

Our 40th book chronicles a UK travel adventure!

Our 41st book comes directly from the heart. It’s our first children’s book, based on a true story, and spiced with magic! Lani and the Cumquat Adventures is about a little girl and her bond with her Grandma. It’s a tale about family, food, and love. If you’ve ever felt homesick, this book is for you. For Fijians around the world, this book calls you home. The book also has many other themes, including empowerment of girls, food security, healthy eating and wellness.

Lani and the Cumquat Adventures is our first children’s book – join the magic!

Our latest book is about narcissistic abuse. It’s for anyone who has suffered at the hands of a narcissist, and for anyone who would like to prevent getting sucked into the cycle. The book is an easy-to-read guide, allowing you to understand what causes narcissism, what the various types of narcissists are like, what relationships with them can feel like (based on real case studies), and how to discern them and take care of yourself. Check out Becoming Bulletproof: Protecting Yourself from Narcissistic Abuse, today.

Our 42nd book is a must-read guide that gets you up to speed about narcissistic abuse and how to protect yourself. Photo credit: Marilyn Cornelius

Free Your Light is a poetic volume about the journey from trauma to authenticity and freedom. It contains poems spanning a year of Marilyn’s experience and is for anyone who struggles with love, loss, and a range of other experiences. It is our 18th poetry book.

The journey from trauma to freedom in poetic verse…in our 43rd book.

The Relationship Standard is a brief and practical look at what it takes to make any relationship viable. Deceptively simple, the five principles in this book require a lot of unpacking and healing to practice well. See how well you’re doing with this guide by your side.

Want to know if your relationship is healthy? Read this book!