Our Journals

Our first set of journals include powerful quotes to stimulate your thinking and invite you into deeper aspects of yourself. Photo credit: Marilyn Cornelius.

Journals are receptacles of reflection and mindfulness. Journaling is an important activity for mental calm, processing emotions, building gratitude, and cultivating spaciousness in life. It also helps us get to know ourselves much better. As an avid writer and lover of journals, Marilyn began producing them in 2022. The first journals are a set of three, with quotes from Marilyn on empowerment, gratitude, and reflection. Enjoy them and gift them to someone you love!

Our fourth journal takes a deep dive into self-love, containing quotes from Marilyn and one cohort of her self-love course students. The quotes chronicle our shared journey of discovering and honing in on a practice of self-love that forms the foundation for all aspects of our lives. Dare to take the journey with this journal, entitled Self-Love is my Superpower, and discover how to change your life in lasting ways. Own all four journals to really empower yourself, and gift them to someone who is ready for an awakening. Our fifth journal is a similar journey with a cohort of Marilyn’s trauma course students, who share snippets of their journey into trauma, and the understanding, healing, and liberation that they experience. 

Our fourth journal contains powerful anecdotes from those who have taken our self-love course and experienced the transformative power of self-love.
Our fifth journal is about how to emerge from trauma patterns equipped to lead a more authentic life.
Our sixth journal has perspectives on self-love from another cohort of intrepid self-healers.