We compiled these video resources to highlight topics of interest and a few examples of the science and practice of behavioral sciences, design thinking, biomimicry, meditation, and leadership. These videos provide a basic understanding of the foundations of the science-based Alchemus Prime Diamond Model, which underscores the services we offer to our clients around the world.
Behavioral Sciences
Reciprocal Causation (Social Cognitive Theory)
Marilyn Cornelius | PhD Defense (Designing Behavioral Solutions to Reduce Residential Energy Use)
Marilyn Cornelius: Expanding on the Behavioral Wedge – Promising Options for Deep Energy Savings
Design Thinking in Executive Education
Testimonio Marilyn Cornelius, Taller de Validación Académica, Universidad Regional Amazónica IKIAM
(Marilyn Cornelius’ Testimonial for the Scholastic Assessment Workshop, Regional University IKIAM Amazon)
Ask Janine Benyus – How can we Transform Business with Biomimicry?
The Networked Beauty of Forests – Suzanne Simard
Oprah Winfrey delivers 2015 “Harry’s Last Lecture” at Stanford University (On Spirituality)
What is Reiki Healing?
Locating Yourself – A Key to Conscious Leadership
The Four Behaviors of Innovative Leaders
The Tao of Leadership